Wordle in Golang

Lately I’ve been playing around with Go. I’ve read about Go for a few years and have been using some software written in Go (this website is built with Hugo), but never tried it before. So what better way to give Go a shake than to write some code. Since Wordle has been popular, I thought I’d write a very simple Wordle implementation in Go; you can check it out on GitHub. It’s been a good way for me to get familiar with some of the basisc of Go, such as variables and their types, functions, etc. So far I’ve been enjoying it.

The Go website has a very nicely written documentation and package page. The Go Playground let’s you test out Go in your browser without needing to install anything. I’ve also found Bodner’s “ Learning Go” to be helpful.

Go is a compiled language with a pretty picky compiler. It won’t let you compile code with unnecessary imports and variable declarations, which help keeps your code clean. Cross-compilation is built-in. While Go is not a common language in scientific computing, the gonum package has implemented a number of important functions and seems to be well developed. I look forward to learning more about Go in the future.

D. Michael Senter
D. Michael Senter
Research Statistician Developer

My research interests include data analytics and missing data.
