Reproducibility by Sharing Code

Whenever I speak with students, I emphasize the need to share as much code and data as is feasible to enable reproduciblity. The fact that a large amount of research is not reproducible is a big issue that has gotten a lot of traction in the past two decades since Ioannidis published his influental paper. Given these issues, it is important to try to minimize other sources of variation in the process that could lead to reproducibility problems, such as choices in how to conduct statistical tests or how data is prepared. The many variations of the basic research problem is something Gelman has termed the garden of forking paths.

This week I came across a paper by Ostropolets et al (2023) that really exemplifies this. The short version is this: ask 54 researchers across 9 teams to reproduce the cohort used in awell-documented paper in their field from the same source data set and compare the outcomes to both the original paper and a “master implementation” that was recreated with one of the original authors of the reference paper. All researchers had access to the same tools and data set.

The result? Substantial variations in the final data set that was selected. Only four out of ten inclusion criteria fully aligned with the reference implementation. Note that this is just a cohort selection problem; they did not attempt to reproduce other steps from the paper.

This goes to show how important it is to share source code in order to achieve reproduciblity. If cohort selection had been done programmatically and the source code shared, we would have greater assurances that future teams trying to work with this data would be able to reproduce these findings and build on them. As the paper puts it:

In this regard, if we truly aspire to reproducible science, we should not hope that good documentation is sufficient and tolerate optional sharing of code, but rather make code sharing a hard requirement that can be complemented by free text descriptions.

See citation below for the paper’s DOI. Gelman shared a PDF of this paper on his blog.

In a similar vein, he shared a paper by Menkveld et al. (2022) in which several teams attempt to reproduce hypothesis tests based on the same data set, again leading to substantial variations.

A solution to this issue is regular sharing of both data and code, as much as is feasible. In medical research in particular there are questions of confidentiality that we need to be concerned with, but this shouldn’t stop us from making de-identified data available either via a supplement or having them saved and ready should a third-party request them. This of course requires some coordination amongst the study authors. Too often I have seen researchers not be organized enough to be able to recover the original data set or steps in creating an analysis they themselves did when this was needed some years after the original study. My advice for this is to keep all information to a particular paper in one folder as you work on it, preferably together with the paper draft themselves so it will be obvious to future-you what paper those source files go with. When the study is done, just archive that folder and keep a cold copy on an external drive as well as on a storage server. This is often provided by the university free of charge. If multiple studies use the same data set, you’ll end up with multiple copies of that data using this method, but in my opinion that’s not a problem - storage is cheap these days, particularly cold storage. And if there are concerns about data privacy with your university’s storage, you can always encrpyt the archive prior to uploaded. GPG is your friend here.


Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2005), “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False,” PLOS Medicine, 2(8):e123, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124.

Menkveld, A. J. et al (2022), “Non-standard errors”, available online at

Ostropolets, A. et al. (2023), “Reproducible variability: assessing investigator discordance across 9 research teams attempting to reproduce the same observational study,” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Oxford University Press (OUP), 30, 859–868. DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocad009.

D. Michael Senter
D. Michael Senter
Research Statistician Developer

My research interests include data analytics and missing data.
