Setup an Arbitrary WSL2 Distro

Creating a Custom Setup with Docker and Root filesystem Images

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is an important part of my daily work flow. Unfortunately, the main distro supplied by Windows is Ubuntu, which - for a variety of reasons - is not exactly my favorite distro. Luckily, WSL2 allows you to import an arbitrary Linux distro to use instead. I got the idea from an article ( by Jonathan Bowman explaining how to get Fedora up and running in WSL2. This article summarizes the key points of Bowman’s post and includes information for my long time daily driver, Arch Linux.

The short of it is that you can import a root filesystem tarball into WSL2 from Windows terminal using the following command:

wsl --import <distro-name> <distro-target-location> <path-to-tarball>

Once imported, you can launch into your distro using wsl -d <distro-name>. The only question is how to get the root filesystem for this import step.

There are two options we can go with: using a pre-fabricated root filesystem (rootfs), or creating our own using Docker.

Using an Existing Root Filesystem

Some distros publish these. For Arch Linux, you can find them on GitLab. Two main images are available: base and base-devel. The latter has the base-devel package group pre-installed.

For Fedora, you can head over to GitHub to get a copy of the rootfs. Note that for Fedora, the rootfs is merely part of the repo and not a separate release page. You’ll be able to pick your base version of Fedora by switching branches in the repository.

These rootfs images are usually compressed. Before you can use them with WSL2, the tarball needs to be extracted. The Arch Linux rootfs can be extracted with zstd and the Fedora rootfs can be extracted using 7z.

Making your Own Root Filesystem

Docker allows you to export a container to a root filesystem tarball:

docker export -o <rootfs-name>.tar <container-or-image-name>

The neat thing here is that you can use either an image or a container name.

Arch Linux images are available from DockerHub. Available tags include the above mentioned base and base-devel. Fedora is also available on DockerHub and its tags include version numbers (e.g., 37 or 36).

Additional Setup

Once you have imported the distro you only have a barebones system available. Likely only the root user is available, which is not ideal. You’ll want to install the packages you want to use and set up your own user in addition to root. If you are building your own rootfs using Docker, you can build everything interactively in your container by running docker run -it <image-name>:<tag> to drop into a shell and do all your setup there. Alternatively, you can create a Dockerfile with the basic setup and build an image from that.

Arch Linux

Pacman won’t work out-of-the-box because it doesn’t ship with keys. You’ll need to run pacman-keys --init first. Install your favorite software using pacman, e.g.

pacman -Syu exa htop vim

User management and other common setup tasks are covered in the Arch Wiki’s General Recommendations. Key tasks include adding a new user:

useradd -m -G wheel $username


Make sure to run dnf upgrade to get the latest version of your packages. You may need to install either the util-linux or util-linux-core packages in order to get the mount command working (used by WSL to mount the Windows filesystem). To be able to add a non-root user with a password you’ll need to make sure that passwd is installed.

To add a non-root user in Fedora, use

useradd -G wheel $username 
passwd $username  # in interactive mode, you'll type in your password here

General Case

In order to actually start the WSL instance as your non-root user, you’ll need to edit /etc/wsl.conf inside of your distro. If the user section doesn’t exist yet, you can just run

echo -e "\n[user]\ndefault = ${username}\n" >> /etc/wsl.conf

Those are the basics to get you up and running. Not everything will necessarily work smoothly out-of-the box as you may be missing some packages that you’re not aware of until you need them, but overall I’ve had a positive experience with this setup.

D. Michael Senter
D. Michael Senter
Research Statistician Developer

My research interests include data analytics and missing data.
