
Automatic Suspend in Fedora 38

For a while now I’ve recycled an old iMac running Fedora Workstation as a simple homeserver. It’s been working well in the past, but just now with the EOL of Fedora 37 did I get around to updating from Fedora 36 to Fedora 38.

Setting up a Virtual Lab Computer

Dealing with computer resources in a modern lab can be tricky. Even if all participating researchers have laptops, a central location for storage or to host licensed software is desirable. While a physical computer can be setup for such a use, that is not always the most desirable solution.

Some CLI Tools

A few convenience CLI tools I find myself installing on new systems regularly.

Setup an Arbitrary WSL2 Distro

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is an important part of my daily work flow. Unfortunately, the main distro supplied by Windows is Ubuntu, which - for a variety of reasons - is not exactly my favorite distro.