
Sampling Regression Lines

Last week we saw how to generate posterior samples using PROC MCMC for simple linear and logistic regression models. This week, I want to show how to sample regression lines from the data set returned by MCMC by plotting several sample regression linse on top of a scatter plot of the source data.

Simple Regression With PROC MCMC

In this post I’ll show how to fit simple linear and logistic regression models using the MCMC procedure in SAS. Note that the point of this post is to show how the mathematical model is translated into PROC MCMC syntax and not to discuss the method itself.

Loading Several XPT Files From a URL

The SAS Transport File Format (XPORT) is an open file format maintained by SAS for exchanging datasets. Its use is mandated by the FDA for data set submission for new drug or device applications and the CDC uses this format to distribute public data.

Are the Rich Paying Their Fair Share?

Today is tax day in the US. In celebration we’re going to take a look at some of the data available on the IRS Statistics page.

Takeaways from 'Deep Work'

I have recently read Cal Newport’s book “Deep Work” (2016). Overall, it is a short but engaging read discussing his tips for how to spend more time doing intellectually focused and engaging work in a society whose attention and focus is ever more divided.

Statistical Tests as Linear Models

Andrew Gelman’s statmodeling blog recently contained a link to an interesting document by Jonas Lindeløv. It tries to explain various statistical tests in terms of linear models.

Sharing SSH Keys With a Devcontainer

VS Code devcontainers are a great resource for creating reusable containers to share between developers on the same project. When properly setup, it automatically passes your SSH credentials to the container.

Takeaways - 'Big Data Is Dead'

I recently read a great blog post by Jordan Tigani about Big Data. While Jordan’s post focuses on enterprise needs, I believe it contains relevant insights to individual researchers as well.

PROC MI Added to SASPy

I’m excited to announce that the new SAPy v4.6.0 release includes a pull request of mine that adds PROC MI to the SAS/STAT procedures directly exposed in SASPy. This procedure allows you to analyze missing data patterns and create imputations for missing data.

Why I'm Not Worried About ChatGPT

ChatGPT has been all over my newsfeed lately, with a considerable amount of hype. In particular, many are wondering or even worrying whether the emergence of this technology will threaten jobs with moderate to high education requirments.