
Dec22 SAS ODA Update - Impact on SASPy Users

During December 2022, SAS ODA received substantial updates - see the upgrade page for details. It’s really nice to see that ODA is now using SAS 9.4M7. If you are a SASPy user, you may now bump into an error while logging in with your existing configuration.

Setting up a Virtual Lab Computer

Dealing with computer resources in a modern lab can be tricky. Even if all participating researchers have laptops, a central location for storage or to host licensed software is desirable. While a physical computer can be setup for such a use, that is not always the most desirable solution.

Missing Data Mechanisms

Understanding whether a variable’s missingness from a dataset is related to the underlying value of the data is a key concept in the field of missing data analysis. We distinguish three broad categories: missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR), and missing not at random (MNAR).

Some CLI Tools

A few convenience CLI tools I find myself installing on new systems regularly.


CSV2DS is a new program I wrote in Go to help me create minimum working examples for SAS that can be shared as a single SAS script.

Setup an Arbitrary WSL2 Distro

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is an important part of my daily work flow. Unfortunately, the main distro supplied by Windows is Ubuntu, which - for a variety of reasons - is not exactly my favorite distro.

SAS Markdown for Reproducibility

One of the coolest packages for R is knitr. Essentially, it allows you to combine explanatory writing, such as a paper or blog post, directly with your analysis code in a Markdown document.

Does it ever make sense to play the Lottery?

In a first semester probability course, students encounter combinatorics and point estimates such as the mean and median of a data set. A common example is the low odds of winning the lottery.

Life Expectancy Data

A look at the distribution of age at death based on social security mortality tables to see how long we can expect to be in retirement for.

Is it better to buy or rent housing?

This post is a follow-up to my post on how to load data from Zillow. Housing prices have soared through the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a lot of discussion about housing affordability.